Aldridge Mineral Madencilik A.Ş. (“Aldridge” or the “Company”) is committed to human resources leadership in all of its operating activities in its corporate office and in relation to the development of the Company’s Yenipazar Mine Development Project in the Yozgat Province. The Company will have procedures and processes to provide fair and adequate working conditions to all its employees and the employees of its contractors and subcontractors that support continuous improvement. With these procedures in place we believe that we can achieve fair and adequate working conditions.

This Human Resources Policy has been developed considering the legal requirements about the worker’s rights, the Company’s commitment to respect and recognize the rights of the workers and maintaining adequate working conditions and guided by the International Finance Corporation (IFC) Performance Standard (PS) 2: Labor Working Conditions and applicable conventions of the International Labor Organization (ILO)

Business Ethics and Honesty

We demonstrate professional, fair, honest, good-will and empathy in all relations with our employees as we abide by the laws, regulations and professional ethic codes.


In order to provide a secure work environment to employees of the Company and all Project contractors and subcontractors, the requirements of “Laws, Regulations and Rules regarding Labor Law and Working Conditions” are executed and also sectorial standards related to work environment are met.

Participation and Transparency

Human Resources policies and processes are continuously and transparently shared with all employees, contractors and subcontractors. We also document and communicate all working conditions and terms of employment to them. We are committed to promote the use of Grievance and Whistleblower policy mechanisms for employees, contractors and subcontractors to raise reasonable concerns.

Equal Opportunity

We offer equal employment opportunities and HR services to all candidates for employment from any age, ethnicity, gender, nationality and religion groups without any discrimination or prejudice.


We ensure that the rights provided by the National Labor Law regarding the terms of employment and workers organization are respected by the Company, contractors and subcontractors. We provide reasonable working conditions, terms of employment and compensation.


We only recruit people who embrace the Company’s goals and find alignment with their personal desires. We seek career builders, learners, leaders, and compassionate people, rather than job seekers.

We prioritize local employment and we do not allow the employment of children or forced labor for our Company, contractors and suppliers.


Aldridge’s will take all necessary precautions to avoid retrenchment where possible. In this respect, Aldridge will make every effort to provide alternative employment opportunities at a similar classification level and salary, having regard to qualifications and experience. If the retrenchment is inevitable, Aldridge will make every effort to minimize stress by keeping staff well informed, by offering personal counselling and by assisting staff members to present their skills in a positive way consistent with international labor standards and national labor law.

Personal Data Protection

We provide the protection of personal data and develop awareness in this respect in the Company, in line with the fundamental rights related to privacy and freedom in accordance with best business practices and as stated in applicable laws.

Health, Safety and Environment

We value our employees and their families, and strive to provide safe work conditions, a safe work environment and protect the environment and local communities. In order to provide a secure work environment to employees of the Company, the requirements of “Laws, Regulations and Rules regarding Labor Law and Work Safety” are executed and also sectorial standards related to health and safety and the development of the work environment are met. Aldridge is committed to the principle that such a safety culture will help maintain employee health, minimize lost work time, and protect the environment and the local communities.

Develop and Enhance Women in Mining

We believe that a sustainable future will be possible with the active participation of women in every field of life, especially in the business world. We enrich human resources policies and practices with steps to facilitate equal and effective participation of women in our corporate office and in the Yenipazar Mine Development Project. In this context we will increase the proportion of women among employees, management team, contractors and subcontractors